Wednesday, January 17, 2007

News 'bout ma exam.

Hello all. I've just came by to tell ya how was the deal with the mechanics exam. The questions were not so good. I was not very sure what i knew about them. So it was a lot a thinking a lot of writing, erasing after that ... drwaing diagrams ... it was scary, because it's important for me to take all the exams from the first time. Well let's leave that ... after the exam me and ma friends went to a coffee place near out university, I've started my beer sesion on lounch time ;)
After that I stopped after I was too sleepy (counting that i didn't sleep last night). I came back home... took a nap, and now I am writing this post to you.
Schedual for tonight:
1. Now I going to take a bath
2. Visit my friend in the shop she is selling.
3. Helping to a friend to bring a bounch of alcohol in his place.
4. Party in his place!!! //I am gonna take ma fuckin' head OFF!!

Yea... I will rest after the exam. Tomorrow will be a new day and will start to study then.
Well, buy! Take care, make party and ... watch you obligations no matter else things :)

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