Friday, December 22, 2006

Home again!

Yestarday I got back in my hometown Troyan. It is 160 km away from the capital Sofia and if we have to say it in that way, it is in the deep country. Here evrything is quite and ... well yea... boring. I like being here for Christmas with my parrents, but I hate almost everything else. Well the nature is very beautiful and I will show you pictures of it. They are from the summer but soon I'll make more and will post them too. These are the pictures, and that's all for know. My first day at home is genraly boring :(

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I have an idea!

I have an idea which may be good including that they are coming a great holidays and in Christmas is great we all to be together so I suggest the following thing. Let's all we start making video blogging. These days I did read in some magazine that the videos in sites such as youtube and else, also blogging and commenting such as woozies blog :) have became a new media power. So think that we have to collect these both suppliers of that power and put'em together. So will start to tape a videos for that how I am doing my holidays, friend meetings and things like that. After that I will upload them in and post'em here in my blog. If we all do it like that it will be great because then we really will be together for Christmas!
What up guys?!? Are you with me. I think that in the comments you may write your blogs where you'll put your videos, so we can all enjoy. Bye, I am waiting for ya replays.

B-Day results

Hi, i am glad to say that my B-day party was great, and I'll post some pictures for you to can ensure that. It was a lot of alcohol, fun and whatever you think it will have on one birthday party. Oh no! I lied. There was no birthday pie :( ... but fuck it!! there was enough alcohol :-D
No please, don't think that I am an alcoholic, I just like when there is a party, it to be a party for real. :) And here are some of them:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Let's start thinkin'

I think it is time for all of us to start think about things that we ain't before. If that happens, all will be different. I'll just give an example. Did you think about that what are we eatin'? Every day all we buy thousands and thousands kilos of meal and we don't ask where it comes from, why and how! The TV also doesn't give us such an information, because nobody asked about it. As in my style of reacting I'll expose the things in more funny way, just to be more easy to understand, or if not understand at least to have a fun. so ... lets watch the following videos :)

Here is another one. The second part. It is getting better you know. :)

...and the last one at this moment of posting...

Well? Do you have something to tell me ? :)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Ma B-Day is here!

Yes, that's the other topic that I want to discuss now. Yesterday 12/11/06 I made my 20th anniversary. The feeling was quite strange. You can't disagree with that it is a serious age :) Now I feel grown although that in States you are not allowed to buy alcohol 'til 21. The problem is that I realized a thing. I've tried to be mature 'til now because I wanned to be like the matures. Now the difference I feel is that it already is expected from me to be mature and I have no rights to do things in other spirit then that. It some kind of pressure because of that I think that when I say to someone that I am 20 he will expect to see a grown man that I still don't wanna be :(

Hello from me again, but this time different inside!

Hi buddies ! I am back again. I didn't write anything in that blog since Friday, so today I'll make a promotion and will make 2 posts in one day :) OK, I'm starting with the first:
So... My holidays in the mountain were great and relaxing, I felt awesome to meet so much new and interesting (and cool at most) people. The alcohol was also pretty a lot but that's not so good in the same way :) It was a lil bit horrible when I came back in the reality :)
Well it is all ok. I'll get through it :)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Pary weekend

Hello dear fellows. I leaving off after a few hours. This weekend me and colleagues will be in the country to celebrate students day. I hope it will be a hell of unforgeable party. The weather outside is not as well as I wish or as snowed as we wish, it is quite foggy but whatever.
Well that's all at the time. See ya in Sunday afternoon and I will tell about what exiting happened to me and another thing... about a course that I am about to start.

Oh deamnit, I forgot to mention, above the picture shows that place we'll be resting. It is lovely, isn't it ? :)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Difficult day

Tomorrow will be one very difficult day for me. I have 2 test in the university, but I didn't study enough for neither one of them :( I hope that I will have enough luck to do that I know and everything to be alright. Well that's all. Pray for me :) bye

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sofia is like a jungle

Hola! :) Yesterday afternoon I traveled from St. Grad to Pliska which is a few miles north-west in the central parts. I was amazed of the huge traffic ! I felt like ... u know the Space Jam animation movie, when all the animation population was about to go to the basketball match, well it was pretty the same :) NO!!! IT IS pretty the same every afternoon about 5-6 o'clock pm. The picture shown up there, shows exactly one of the most busied roads in Sofia, but that you see is even better than the last night. I was wandering at the people of the city parliament!! What are they doing all the day. They pretend that they are thinking how to solute this. For me there is a super easy solution of that. They just have to change the work time. Almost all of the companies of one branch will move their time one hour forward, the other branches, one later, and so, and so...
And there it is! All the working people are traveling a lot better in different time zones of work, so ... the roads will be still with a lot of cars but ... less then before and for a longer time. That's the decision for me. Well it won't be very pleasant for some of the workers, but ... u know, that's the cost to live in the biggest city in Bulgaria.
But.. enough about that... Last night was good for me but not too much. I went to a full house club, drank a beer, after that I went by a metal club but it was too metal for me ... :D so we went to a pizza place for a beer (again :) ) and ... not pizza, fried potatoes.
well have a nice weekend and enjoy your free time, as much as we all have it ;)

Friday, December 01, 2006

X-tream situation!

I got to do this weekend the to most different things, and do'em both well. Firs to study my lesions because of the term tests in the next week, and in the same time having crazy parties with my friends. It will be a hell of a weekend! It's natural that I expect my studies to screw up, but ... you know... " I happens some times" :) The worst is that it happens to me all the time. Now I am going to study a 'lil bit until tonight isn't came. Goodbye see ya all tomorrow maybe, or if I am too drunk to do whatever I need to, then ... see ya in Sunday :) Btw to picture I put up there is awesome I think. I
I hope you won't leave me the only drinker tonight. Let's go people. full up the bars and clubs.
C u there! :D