Saturday, January 06, 2007

In EU at last.

Hi all. Today I saw a RSS feed where was disscused the acception of Bulgaria in the EU. German journalists are very disappointed of that the German people are not happy about the two new members in EU. That's why these journalists are saying how many good things came from Romania and Bulgaria. Well, whatever. It is true about the Romanian literature, also the Bulgarian arts, scients, also the Bulgarian support for Germany during The World War I and II and so many other thing. I am not very happy because of that the othe EU countries accept us as some strangers that are dangerous for some reasons. In matter of facts in some way it is like that, but Bulgarians were been all over the world even before 1 Jan 2007 and they did both of great things and terrible too. I think that all the people in the world have to know that we are as normal as others are. We have good and bad people. Unfortunately during the last years mostly bad people are showng themselfs as Bulgarians, but I hope that will get better.
I want to say that I would not leave Bulgaria to go to clean some toilets or wash some dishes to some foreigners especially in Europe.

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