Saturday, April 21, 2007

About the virtual life and death.

I was just sitting in front of my PC now, and I was thinking about some interesting sites. In a moment I thought about this similar to site called So I begun to think and think:
"Where are we going at?"

How is developing the IT world, I tried to predict the future of sites and people's life. So I just imagined the following thing:

When a person comes on the wile world, even before he/she can talk or walk, his/her parents have to make a online registration with date of birth, photo of the baby and address. So the new person keeps growing up and his parents make something like an time sheet with all the events, with photos and things like that. After he becomes let's say older than 14, then he is allowed to post all by himself in his site, to contact with friends and maybe some strangers.
The idea is that, during your whole life to have something like an Internet mirror.
So someone has made a site for dead people. It's more like a register, but it is strange of course. I meant that maybe in future after you are dead all your Internet Mirror page will be moved to such a site, where people can read and remember about you, can light a candle, say something good to the others for you and stuff like that?

Well I actually think that we are not very far away from that time. With all this development of the blog media, myspace is getting huger, mydeathspace will get huge too. :)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Something new and hot!! (from youtube)

Hi all ya people. Today I saw something very cool and maybe helpful from a colleague in the office and I decided to share this knowledge with you.

So the all buzz is about a trick to download a movie clip from youtube. Didn't you think so many times:
"Well, this video is awesome? I would like to have it on my hdd drive! But how?!? YouTube has a link to show the video on other site, but nowhere a link for download."

I am glad to tell you that, already there is a way to do it! Now listen to me careful!

1st step: You go in YouTube and open the video I would like to download.

2nd step: You copy the movie URL. (By default I agree that you know how to copy and paste on your PC :) )

3rd step: You go on the following link.

4th step: When you are there you paste the URL in the test bar of the page (given from me like an image).

5th step: Click on "Get Download URL".

6th step: Click on the new shown URL. It pops a window offering to you to download the file. You save it on your hard disk drive, and you are done!

O.K. That's all. I wish you luck.

Please if someone have any questions, leave a comment, and I will replay it asap.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

global, local, glocal? What the heck!?!

I've just found some strange named movie trailer in YouTube. When the movie song began I realized that I was watching a movie from India. It was a traditional Indian music, else the actors were so ... European/American looking, with a fit clothes very similar to English ones, with stylish hats. Women were (not including the grand mother i think) with pretty white faces and long straight hairs and ...
I cant describe it so i will post that video here. I just wanted to share with you my expression that even the Indians who are famous with their strange traditions and way of looking had began to act like the western civilization. This global development of the nations will end up with that we will not be able to make a difference on nations. All will want to look the same, same tradition and maybe after time... same language.
It sounds cool to me at first sight but... do you imagine how boring will be the Earth then? Wherever you go .... it will be like your home place. It seems not very cool to me.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Terrible threat over the human kind!!!

Hello, I am writing an unexpected post to tell you about a news that I've read minutes ago.
Scientists from a Germen university have discovered the reason of the huge loss of bees over the west and east north American costs, in Europe too.

The bees are dieing because of the cell phones waves. The waves make bees to disorient and can not find the path back to their homes. As you probably already know this loss is between 60-70% of the population on these geographic widths. YOU THINK THAT'S SERIOUS!!! So wait to hear the rest of the article. As you can catch my thought without bees it's impossible for plants to multiply! This will be a huge problem for the human kind.

As our grand father calculated it, the humans can survive ONLY 4 years without bees!!

So I suggest to think very careful when and where will you use your call phones!
Hear ya later on my static phone number :)

Shocking news

Today I was shocked by a late news. It's about these 30 killed students in Tech University in Blackberl, Virginia(I am not sure about the writing of that names). This is terrible. In these days a single person can be safe from troubles nowhere. The whole world is full with crazy people. I want to mark that this is happening in US, one of the most developed countries in the world. This a thing that the government have to think about it. A comment that I read about that news is saying that it is like that because of the high percent of people having weapons. Actually it is quite easy to have a gun in US. Maybe this is the problem. I think that guns are very bad and the right to wear it should have only people like policemen, guards and military men of course. Maybe the country will be more safe if not giving guns to anyone. People please stop with all these wars and violence! All you American people are affected by these wars and movies, so you think you are big hero if you have gun and shooting all the time! Please forget what your grant fathers used to do and live like we in Europe :) it is so much better, that if you by mistake say FUCK YOU to someone, he won't pull out a gun and fucking shoot you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Communists identity.

Chinese govt decided to give chance to the law about kids playing computer games. The kids in China have only 4 hours per day to play games in the Computer Clubs.
Now let's talk a little about this thing. We all know that China is a communist country and when we look at it we can imagine what would it be if Bulgaria still was the same like 20 years ago. That's the point, such a communist government like that feels like the destinies of it's voters are in its hands. I think that is a hell of a non-fairness. Well it really is good for children to play less games, even 2 hours is sometimes quite a lot, but I don't think that such a restriction should be given by someone else instead of each kid's parents. Thats why I am most angry at the communist bitches, they think that they are making your life better, but instead of that they are making you a programmed animal that tells the same bullshits like everybody else, do what THEY want, THINK what day want.
Of course if you live in such a fucked country you fucking thing that your leaders are the best, because if you think else, your head is going away from the body. In another post I read that yearly in China over 2400 people (HUMAN BEINGS) are being executed, and that is on official information, some others tell that number is actually quite a lot.
And at last... can someone tell me why China is such a great economical power, when its people keep living in shits, with not so much food and most important, without relevant information. Excuse me, but I prefer to be hungry from time to time, because of less money, but I rather know what is happening in my own country and in the other part of the world too.
Thank you :)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

My new occupation

Hello to all you people. I've been missing from my own blog for too much time so I feel that it is time to correct this mistake. Well it is about 00:38 and at the moment I am in my new job's office. It's like an operator in an internet site for food deliveries called Until now I was active working but at the moment there is not much work so I decided to tell you what is all about.
This is my first shift (at Sunday night) and there is quite a few orders that I had to make. I also did my other work with doing launch menus for tomorrow. Whatever... I will give you more information about that shift later.
Btw I quit my last job as a bar tender in a bistro in St Grad because I had not enough time to deal with all the shits I have to do in the university. Now in a shifts like that I will be able to do some extra job and rest a lil bit more. I gave a link on the image above, so if you are interested you should visit the site of my current job.
Well, that's all about now, I am going go have some other blog post in a minute and after that ... we will see what the situation will be.
Bye guys and take care of that nobody will screw you. :)